Crime & Punishment: The Notebooks



streets and squares

state institutions

commercial institutions

places of entertainment

general areas


This map plot places that appear in Dostoevsky’s working notebooks for Crime and Punishment (taken from volume 7 of the Academy edition Complete Works: Polnoe Sobranie Sochinenii v tridtsati tomakh (Moscow-Leningrad: Nauka, 1972-90), 7: 5-212). All but two of the places (markers 97 and 98) appear in the novel itself.
The significance of place for Dostoevsky’s plans for the novel is apparent in the connection he makes at this early stage between characters and specific places of residence (nos. 12, 46, 50 and 59) and in his repeated reference to the location of certain scenes, in particular the Crystal Palace tavern (45) and Krestovskii Island (43), which have greater emphasis here than in the published text.
With much of the detail that characterizes the novel stripped out, the map highlights the concentration of references to points on Voznesenskii Prospekt, which suggests the importance of this road to Dostoevsky’s conception, to an extent that is not apparent in the published version.