Gogol’s Petersburg Tales


Nevskii Prospekt
The Portrait
Diary of a Madman
The Nose
The Overcoat



Quotations from Gogol’s stories are taken from Volume 3 of N. V. Gogol, Sobranie sochinenii v shesti tomakh (Moscow: GIKhL, 1952).

Translations of Nevskii Prospekt and The Portrait are modified from those that appear in The Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol, trans. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky (London: Granta, 2003). Translations of The Nose, The Overcoat and Diary of a Madman are taken from both that volume and Diary of a Madman and other stories, trans. Ronald Wilks (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972), again with modifications.

Where street names are mentioned without any further specification, a point has been chosen for the marker, usually around the middle of the street, unless there is a logical reason to place the marker elsewhere.

* In the case of two references in The Nose, no. 61 (Voskresenskii bridge) and no. 64 (Anichkin bridge), the proximity of the names to real places, Voznesenskii and Anchikov bridges, has been deemed sufficient to place markers on these points.

** The reference to ‘Kiriushkin Lane’ in The Overcoat (marker no. 71) is less clear. Certainly no such street exists now or, as far as I have been able to establish through reference to old maps and street indexes, did in Gogol’s time. The most plausible source to locate the reference that I have been able to find is from a response to an on-line forum asking about this location in The Overcoat, which states: ‘Kiriushkin Street or Lane was the popular name (I heard this from my grandmother) for Konnyi Pereulok [Horse Lane] near Sytnyi Market, on the grounds that corporal punishment was carried out there, and in Piter executioners were called Kiriushkis, after the coolest of them.’ I remain slightly sceptical, for the same reason as the poster of this comment: this is a long way from Kolomna, where most of the action of The Overcoat takes place. Nevertheless, in the absence of any more reliable information, I have placed the marker on Konnyi Pereulok for the time being.

Gogol’s texts on-line:

Nevskii prospekt

Portret (English translation as The Mysterious Portrait)

Zapiski sumasshedshego (English translation as Memoirs of a Madman)

Nos (English translation, The Nose)

Shinel’ (English translation as The Cloak)

2 Responses to Gogol’s Petersburg Tales

  1. Pingback: Mapping Gogol: methodology | Mapping St Petersburg

  2. Pingback: Mapping Gogol: Methodology | Sarah J. Young

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